We encourage and strengthen social change processes in the countries that host us, focusing on sustainable development, social inclusion and the fight against poverty.
We support the efforts of local communities, organizations and institutions in identifying and setting up intervention programs.
We are committed to researching and condemning the root causes of injustice and marginalisation, in order to elaborate appropriate proposals for intervention.
We highlight the contribution of different cultures in the setting up of intervention programs, in the solving of controversies and in the building of peaceful and fair societies.
We implement programs in connection with Italian organisations and institutions, from the public and private sector, by promoting their active involvement both at local and national level.
LVIA is a non-profit organisation, independent from political parties, local, national and international institutions, churches or religious associations, foundations or private enterprises, both in Italy and in the hosting countries. To all of them we address our proposal for partnership, cooperation, fundraising in full respect of each other’s independence.
We are committed to a medium to long-term presence in the countries where we work, to maintain an uninterrupted dialogue and working relationship with the local, national and international players.
In case of war or disaster we offer our skills in humanitarian aid.
We are committed to full accountability. We share each step of the intervention with those who financially support us, our partners and our beneficiaries, from its setting up to its evaluation. Our yearly financial and activity reports are publicly available.
Our intervention sectors:
Water is life
Clean and accessible water for drinking, washing and cooking, for growing crops, for livestock farming and for the start-up of small businesses: water, the first human right. The LVIA’s water programs – wells, aqueducts and water collection systems – are the basis for all developmental processes. The goal is the local governance of water resources, through technical and managerial training. Water also means hygiene, consequently the attainment of water infrastructures is complemented by hygienic-sanitary training and the construction of toilets.
Sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty
We support the farmer associations and the establishment of producer networks; we endorse the family farming model as it produces good quality food, generates employment, respects the environment and helps to maintain the vitality of the cultural traditions and the social networks of the rural world; we sustain agricultural supply chains with the improvement of production and business techniques and with the start-up of small businesses, also thanks to microfinance; we promote agricultural production systems resilient to climate change and economic imbalances.
A healthier environment
Facing an often uncontrolled urban growth, we work with the local authorities, associations and local businesses to improve waste management and exploitation promoting waste sorting, recycling and environmental education. We also promote sustainable energy solutions for homes, hospitals and schools in marginalized areas.
Social inclusion
LVIA’s attention is centered, in all its areas of activity, in Africa and in Italy, on improving the living conditions of disadvantaged people in order to make them socially active and economically independent. Street women and children, but also poor families, children who cannot attend school, migrants are some of the categories involved.
The health of children and mothers
We support institutions in improving health services through training of medical and paramedical personnel and the strengthening of healthcare facilities. We promote social change from the point of view of infant and young child feeding and caring practices in the villages, thanks to the efforts of mothers and community leaders.
Humanitarian emergencies

Drought and famine have become frequent and in fragile social context they cause humanitarian crises. Moreover, conflicts put at risk the life of people but also their health and livelihood . In addressing these humanitarian crises, LVIA, in addition to the emergency activities – distribution of food, access to water, medical and veterinary healthcare, etc. – strengthens local expertise to deal independently and in a less traumatic way future crises: it is the Resilience.
A new global dialogue
LVIA oversees processes of cooperation and dialogue based on reciprocity between Italian and African communities to deal with, both locally and globally, the challenges of sustainable development and the encounter between cultures. Projects are activated by Municipalities and bodies of civil society: anyone can participate and share his /her competences. LVIA is engaged to support activities with italian ad african communities.
Youth leadership and intercultural dialogue
LVIA promotes, in Italy as in Africa, initiatives that promote individual growth and active citizenship of young people, volunteering and active participation for building more inclusive, democratic and intercultural societies.
Education to global citizenship
Training to be citizens of the world means to give young people the tools to understand the complex themes of our age (globalisation, climate crisis, migrations…), underlining the interdependence between the regions of the world. LVIA fosters educational programs in schools and with public through the edutainment techniques (educational amusement).
Training and information
As for the issues of global reciprocity, sustainable development and migration we promote education for global citizenship in schools, meetings and events, and international exchanges; we help teachers in the implementation of interdisciplinary learning units and local institutions in promoting participatory governance; we take part in lobbying and advocacy campaigns; we propose field trips.